So last Sunday, thanks to the rafts of messages on Twitter (well done on the marketing folks), ze German and I decided to head over to that quiet pretty part of docklands called Wapping, to check out this amazing new market with local farmers’ produce and trEats to be had.
I had been to the gym for the first time in agggeeess the day before. Having endured an LBT class (not Lesbian Bi Transgender, but rather, Legs Bums & Tums – heard that joke before thanks!!) with the militant man himself, I was feeling a bit delicate (aka tried to do yoga in the lounge and couldnt bend over!), so to try and gently exercise, we cycled from home near Canary Wharf to the market in Wapping. This was a lovely little ride, mostly by the river on the Thames Path on such a beautiful Sunday, I was almost feeling French.
This was day 1 of this weekly Sunday market, which is on throughout July and August (sadly not longer). We arrived around midday and the market was already in full swing.
Someone else here trying to be a professional photographer!
I am sure as a city, our love of markets has recently been increasing. Or maybe this is just my phase of life changing from 5-nights-a-week drinks to trying to eat healthily and not spend a fortune… Not sure! But what I can say is that I was either drooling at the smells of the food prep, or ogling the masses of wonderful food and drink on offer the whole time I was there. The setting was lovely and almost rustic; in the distance, views of the Shard at the city skyline, whilst next to me there was crumbling red brick and waterways. Here are some of the things we saw:
Fresh smoked salmon – this guy was smoking the huge fish in his fantastic portable smoker right next to the stall, the smell coming from this was just unbelievable. Mouthwatering.
Not sure if this belongs to Mark Hix but it looked cool! Didnt have a chance to sample though this time.
I am not a fan of Oysters, but these looked pretty cool!
Aston’s has amazing bread. fact. We bought the sourdough rye home (a huge hunk of it) which we ate fresh and froze and ate later, all totally more-ish!
I will be going back to try this Korean hot sauce that I was left wondering about this time!
Hangover food? I think this could be it at Roadery!
Sounds Dodgy but its a cute coffee stop!
The Butchery had meat that just looked like it would make for fab cooking… shamefully I had fish at home to cook so there was nothing bought this time (I got home to find the fish had gone off and we had to have puttanesca pasta instead!)
Mons Cheese…. nom nom cheese! We tried quite a few different ones with the lovely lady at the counter, ending up taking home a slab of creamy gruyere for our sourdough!
I dont eat pork and therefore not a chorizo eater. As I was about to walk past this stall, I saw ‘beef chorizo’ hmmm… well we tried it and sadly it is still no chorizo for me, as it was a bit too dry (no fat the lady said) – it was a bit like biltong to me. Nevermind…
Kooky Bakes… I wanted to eat it all! I refrained somehow, probably the gym guilt! Next time my friend…
Instead of cakes, we went for a punnet of strawberries, raspberries and cherries. All of them the yummiest ever! The raspberries found a good home in my made-up recipe of mascarpone cheesecake thingy later that day!
What a great name? Ze German liked this one… although no try before buy this time!
Blackwoods Cheese looks fab too, although we already bought our quota by then. Will definitely go back and find out what Brockley cheese tastes like!
And to be friendly to all needs, there was even an awesome Vegan, Veg and Gluten Free option!
And for the lazy Sundayers – even pre-packed meat to seal in the fresh flavours so all you need to do is go home and bake!
All in all, a really nice place to host a market. Fun for all the family – loved the bunting covered niche at the end by the water with benches to sit and eat too. And also an honestly good spot for a weekly shop for some local veggies and goodness. You can even buy some herbs and flowers here! We will be back – just a shame we only have this in the summer – but I totally understand as I wouldnt want to stand out there in December either. Makes it all the more important to check out while you can!
Some other lovely pics of the fab market: